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Linkin Park——世界上最优秀的现场表演金属核团团体之一,你可以说以前从没有听说过,也可以用你对音乐对时尚最挑剔的眼光审视他们,但是无论如何,林肯公园的确是这个时代最独一无二的混种音乐霸王,对New metal、Pop-Metal、Hip-Hop、Post-Grunge、Rap-Metal、Alternative Metal等各种摇滚风格的诠释早已在全球大放异彩,尽情炫出E时代音乐风情。

二、xero ltd是什么公司?

Xero LTD 是一家新西兰的在线会计软件公司。该公司成立于2006年,在澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、亚洲和欧洲等地拥有办公室并提供云计算解决方案。 Xero LTD 的软件帮助中小型企业提高业务效率,包括在线发票、银行对账、财务报告、薪资管理等。

它的在线会计软件受到小企业和会计师事务所的广泛使用,因为平台易于使用,价格合理并且可与其他业务管理软件集成。Xero LTD 已成为全球领先的在线会计软件供应商之一,为公司和会计师事务所提供可靠的财务管理解决方案。




最新黑科技产品Garmin Xero 弓箭瞄准器,黑科技加持,箭无虚发,猎手必备利器。一体化安装,通过高精度激光测距仪提供准确准星,并支持相关Garmin腕表设备随时找到您的目标与猎物。














现在是2019/7-20. 我在澳洲十年了,从当初留学,到3年前拿到永居留下。工作四年,在批发-零售行业,尤其这两年看到越来越多“small business”从MYOB转到Xero。我们自己就在用Xero,下游的零售商客户大部分都在用Xero。

最近开始关注其股价,近期在$60,也在研究其年报。主要市场是在AU, NZ和UK,一小部分在南非和北美。暂时没怎么在亚洲市场发展。市场份额方面,我想还有很大的想象空间。

它的主要营收就是来自不断增加的客户对它的SaaS的订阅,而且他们的价格非常有优势,对于small business来说很有吸引力。


所以一旦用上,它的客户粘性是很高的,switch 的成本也高,索性就一直留在这个平台上。


十、Xero Report on Purchase Orders - Streamlining Your Purchasing Process


In today's fast-paced business world, efficient procurement processes are crucial for success. Purchase orders play a vital role in managing and tracking purchases, ensuring transparency, and controlling costs. Xero, a leading accounting software, offers a comprehensive report on purchase orders that can streamline your purchasing process and improve overall business efficiency.

What is Xero Report on Purchase Orders?

The Xero Report on Purchase Orders is a feature within the Xero accounting software that provides detailed insights and analysis of your purchase orders. It allows you to generate reports that give you a clear overview of your purchasing activities, helping you make informed decisions and optimize your procurement process.

Key Features and Benefits

The Xero Report on Purchase Orders offers several key features and benefits:

  • Customizable Reports: Xero allows you to customize your purchase order reports to fit your specific needs. You can choose the data and metrics you want to include and analyze.
  • Visibility and Transparency: The report provides a clear view of all your purchase orders, including the status, quantities, prices, and suppliers. This transparency enables you to track and monitor your orders effectively.
  • Tracking and Accountability: Xero's reporting feature helps you track your purchase orders from creation to fulfillment. It provides an audit trail, ensuring accountability and preventing potential errors or discrepancies.
  • Cost Control: By analyzing your purchase order reports, you can identify cost-saving opportunities, negotiate better terms with suppliers, and make informed decisions to optimize your procurement costs.
  • Integration with Other Modules: Xero seamlessly integrates with other modules within the software, such as inventory management and accounts payable, enabling you to have a holistic view of your purchasing process.

How to Generate a Report on Purchase Orders

Generating a report on purchase orders in Xero is a straightforward process:

  1. Login to your Xero account and navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Select the "Purchase Orders" category.
  3. Choose the specific parameters and filters you want to apply to the report.
  4. Click on the "Generate Report" button.
  5. Review and analyze the report generated, using it to make informed decisions and optimize your purchasing process.


The Xero Report on Purchase Orders is a powerful tool that can streamline your purchasing process, providing you with valuable insights and analysis. By leveraging this feature, you can improve efficiency, control costs, and make informed decisions to drive your business's success. Take advantage of Xero's purchase order reporting capabilities and watch your procurement process flourish!

Thank you for reading this article. We hope it has given you a clear understanding of the benefits and functionalities of Xero's report on purchase orders. By using this feature, you can enhance your procurement processes and take your business to new heights.
