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icse论文是高等水平,ICSE,全称International Conference on Software Engineering,是软件工程领域公认的旗舰会议,中国计算机学会推荐的A类国际学术会议,每年都有来自全球众多科研人员投稿与参会。到2021年为止,会议已举办43届,一直致力于为软件工程领域的研究者、教育者和从业者们提供最新最重要的研究成果、经验及方向。



ICSE会议(International Conference on Software Engineering) 是软件工程领域最高级别的学术会议,由国际计算机学会与电气与电子工程师协会联合主办。

在近期举行的43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021)上,计算机博士生赵天明为第一作者,朱晓冬教授、莫纳什大学陈春阳老师为共同通讯作者的论文“GUIGAN: Learning to Generate GUI Designs Using Generative Adversarial Networks”被录用发表。

三、ICSE 2023: A Concise Overview of the Education System


The education sector is constantly evolving and adapting to meet the needs of students in a rapidly changing world. In the coming year of 2023, the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) will experience several notable changes, taking into account the latest developments in pedagogy, curriculum, and assessment methods. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the ICSE education system for the year 2023 and the key updates that can be expected.

Curriculum Updates

The ICSE board has taken significant steps to enhance the curriculum for the year 2023. A greater emphasis will be placed on the integration of technology across subjects, enabling students to develop 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy. Additionally, the curriculum will undergo a revision to include more relevant and practical content that prepares students for future careers.

Assessment Methods

The ICSE board recognizes the importance of evaluating students' holistic development. In 2023, there will be a shift towards a more comprehensive assessment system that goes beyond traditional examinations. Apart from written assessments, students' performance in project work, group discussions, and presentations will also be considered. This change aims to foster a well-rounded education that nurtures not only academic excellence but also interpersonal and communication skills.

Focus on Mental Health and Well-being

In light of the increasing awareness of mental health issues among students, the ICSE board has made it a priority to address this issue in the education system. In 2023, schools will be encouraged to implement programs that promote mental health and well-being, including counseling services and stress management initiatives. Such initiatives aim to create a supportive and nurturing learning environment that prioritizes students' emotional well-being.

Adapting to Digital Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the integration of technology in education. In line with this, ICSE schools will continue to embrace digital learning platforms and tools in 2023. This includes leveraging online resources, virtual classrooms, and interactive learning materials to facilitate remote and hybrid learning environments. The goal is to ensure uninterrupted learning opportunities for students, regardless of their physical location or prevailing circumstances.


As the ICSE education system evolves for the year 2023, it is clear that the focus is on preparing students for the future by equipping them with essential skills, promoting holistic development, and prioritizing mental health and well-being. These updates reflect the latest trends and best practices in education, ensuring that ICSE students receive a high-quality and relevant education. By staying informed about these changes, parents, teachers, and students can make the most of the opportunities offered by the ICSE education system.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that the information provided has shed light on the upcoming changes in the ICSE education system for 2023. By understanding these updates, parents, teachers, and students can better navigate the evolving landscape of education and make informed decisions for a brighter future.

四、ICSE 2022有哪些值得关注的论文?

IEEE/ACM ICSE全称International Conference on Software Engineering,是软件工程领域公认的旗舰学术会议,中国计算机学会推荐的A类国际学术会议,Core Conference Ranking A*类会议,H5指数74,Impact score 11.55。到2021年为止,会议已举办43届,每年都有来自全球众多科研人员投稿与参会。ICSE一直致力于为软件工程领域的研究者、教育者和从业者们提供最新最重要的研究成果、经验及方向。ICSE对论文质量的要求极高,通常需要对软件工程领域有基础显著的贡献才能被录用。




本届会议的大会主席是来自University of Virginia的Matthew B Dwyer,程序委员会主席是来自University of Victoria Canada的Daniela Damian和来自CISPA Germany的Andreas Zeller。在本届会当中,有四位来自国内的学者担任Organizing Committee member,同时有七位学者担任PC member,他们是:

Organizing Committee member:

Program Committee:


ICSE今年分为线上和线下两种模式,其中线上为May 10-13,May 8-9还有一些其他内容可以参与,注册费32刀起步。线下为May 25-27,注册费607刀起步。此外,即便是线上的参与,也需要按时注册,截止日期为May 6,如果按照AoE算的话,可能今天是最后的注册机会:


ICSE今年共设置三个Keynotes,演讲者分别是华盛顿大学的Jevin D, West; 汉堡大学的judith Simon; 卡内基梅隆大学Philip Koopman:


ICSE共计收到投稿751篇,录用197篇录用率为26%。AST会议一篇文章入选Best paper,MSR三篇文章入选Distinguish paper,获奖文章如下:

Best paper: Checked Coverage for Test Suite Reduction – Is It Worth the Effort? Roxane Koitz-Hristov Graz University of Technology, Lukas Stracke, Franz Wotawa Graz University of Technology

Distinguish paper: Operationalizing Threats to MSR Studies by Simulation-Based Testing, Johannes Härtel University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany, Ralf Laemmel Facebook London

Distinguish paper: On the Violation of Honesty in Mobile Apps: Automated Detection and Categories, Humphrey Obie Monash University, Idowu Oselumhe Ilekura Data Science Nigeria, Hung Du Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute, Deakin University, Mojtaba Shahin RMIT University, Australia, John Grundy Monash University, Li Li Monash University, Jon Whittle CSIRO's Data61 and Monash University, Burak Turhan University of Oulu

Distinguish paper: A Large-Scale Comparison of Python Code in Jupyter Notebooks and Scripts, Konstantin Grotov JetBrains Research, ITMO University, Sergey Titov JetBrains Research, Vladimir Sotnikov JetBrains Research, Yaroslav Golubev JetBrains Research, Timofey Bryksin JetBrains Research; HSE University

ICSE‘22的19篇入围Distinguish paper honorable mentioned的文章请见:



今年的ICSE同往常一样,设置了很多奖项,在众多奖项中,来自华为的Xin Xia获得Early Career Researcher Award。此外,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的谢涛教授,同时也是北京大学的讲席教授,IEEE Fellow,ACM杰出科学家,他所指导的学生获得Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award。所有奖项的明细如下:


  • Distinguished Service Award: Valerie Issarny (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology, France) “for significant contributions in service, mentorship, and influence to the SE community.”
  • Distinguished Education Award: Didar Zowghi (CSIRO’s Data61, Australia) “for outstanding contribution to software engineering education by her long-term efforts to increase diversity in the student body studying computer programming.”
  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Michael Jackson (Open University, UK) “for more than five decades of contribution to academic and industrial software engineering and its research, influencing generations of software engineers.”
  • Distinguished Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Leadership Award: Margaret Burnett (Oregon State University, USA) “for decades of work breaking glass ceilings for women in computing and SE.”
  • Rising Star Award: Baishakhi Ray (Columbia University, USA) “for innovative and high-quality research on software engineering and artificial intelligence, which has impacted both the academic and industrial communities.” and Sonia Haiduc (Florida State University, USA) “for innovative and influential research and professional leadership in the area of software maintenance and evolution.”
  • New Directions Award: Cristian Cadar (Imperial College London, UK) & Abhik Roychoudhury (National University of Singapore) “for their contributions to symbolic execution for test generation and program repair.”

Most Influential Paper from ICSE 2012

  • Abram Hindle, Earl T. Barr, Zhendong Su, Mark Gabel, Premkumar Devanbu, “On the Naturalness of Software”.

ICSE 2022 Best Artifact Awards

  • Learning Probabilistic Models for Static Analysis AlarmsHyunsu Kim (KAIST); Mukund Raghothaman (University of Southern California); Kihong Heo (KAIST)
  • Change Is the Only Constant: Dynamic Updates for WorkflowsDaniel Sokolowski (University of St. Gallen); Pascal Weisenburger (University of St.Gallen); Guido Salvaneschi (University of St. Gallen)
  • Static Stack-Preserving Intra-Procedural Slicing of WebAssembly BinariesQuentin (Stivenart); David Binkley (Loyola University Maryland); Coen De Roover (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
  • DrAsync: Identifying and Visualizing Anti-Patterns in Asynchronous JavaScriptAlexi Turcotte and Michael D. Shah (Northeastern University); Mark W. Aldrich (Tufts University); Frank Tip (Northeastern University)

ICSE 2022 NIER-track Awards

  • Best reviewers: Shin Hwei Tan and Fabiano Dalpiaz
  • Best paper: Lina Ochoa, Thomas Degueule, Jean-Rémy Falleri, “BreakBot: Analyzing the Impact of Breaking Changes to Assist Library Evolution”.

ICSE 2022 SEIS-track Award

  • Best paper: Bianca Trinkenreich, Ricardo Britto, Marco Gerosa, Igor Steinmacher, “An Empirical Investigation on the Challenges Faced by Women in the Software Industry: A Case Study”.


  • Outstanding Research Award: Lionel Briand (University of Ottawa and University of Luxembourg) “for contributions in software testing, software quality assurance, and context-driven software engineering research, notably in exemplary collaborations with industry”.
  • Distinguished Service Award: Jo Atlee (University of Waterloo) “for sustained, outstanding service to the software engineering community and enabling a research environment in software engineering world-wide that is equitable, diverse and inclusive.”
  • Influential Educator Award: Miryung Kim (University of California, Los Angeles)” for outstanding achievements in undergraduate and graduate mentoring with an emphasis on research excellence in software engineering, diversity, and inclusion.”
  • Impact Paper Award: Using task context to improve programmer productivity by Mik Kirsten and Gail Murphy (published at FSE 2006) “for pioneering the concept of a task context, which has improved software practice and inspired new research.”
  • Early Career Researcher Award: Xin Xia (Huawei) “for contributions to AI and SE, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering.”
  • Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award: Wing Lam (now George Mason University) for the PhD thesis “Detecting, Characterizing, and Taming Flaky Tests” (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, advised by Darko Marinov and Tao Xie).





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人工智能不是人工智能机。首先要了解什么是人工智能,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。





人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称 AI)是指能够执行人类智能任务的计算机程序,例如推理、学习、感知和行动。人工智能系统可以通过处理大量数据来学习和改进自己的能力,并能够在各种应用程序中使用,例如自然语言处理、图像识别、语音识别、智能推荐系统等。




1、指数的差异:其中AIETF和人工智能AIETF 跟踪的标的指数相同,都是中证根据产业链编制的人工智能主题指数。































自我学习, 也可以自我进化,也可以有社会属性。政治上这样说,只不过是

